. Parts of Speech Made Easy By Afzal Anwar Mufti | Free Urdu Pdf Books

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Parts of Speech Made Easy By Afzal Anwar Mufti

Parts of Speech Made Easy
Parts of Speech Made Easy urdu book is authored and titled by afzal anwar mufti explains the easy simplest and advisable stuff for learning parts of speech in urdu pdf language. This learning book has the size of 59.1 mb in high quality format and posted into urdu educational books and english learning efzal enware mufti urdu books. we need to write and speak for expressing our feelings, sharing our emotions. In both situations we have to use words. In urdu language every word has its own meanings or there are some words too that have no meanings in speaking but in english language there are only words that have meanings or we can that english does not have words that have no meanings in sentence. We use many of sentences while speaking or reading but we become surprised when we do try to find its origin, names and their position in sentences. In parts of speech urdu book word's types, its usage and  its rules and terms are defined that will be used while reading and writing. So the learners can guess its meaning and can use on its right place. This book has all the material that is needed for school and colleges students so that they can learn or grip on english language easily. In beginning of book teacher gave the introduction of parts of speech with the introductory exercises. Further he discussed noun, kinds of noun, number, gender, case and common errors in the use of noun in english. Second chapter tells about pronoun, kinds of pronoun, personal pronoun, relative pronoun with exercise, reflexive pronoun, indefinite pronoun, demonstrative pronoun, distributive pronoun, interrogative pronoun and common errors in the use of pronoun. Use the below given mediafire and 4shared link for parts of speech made easy urdu pdf or read online afzal anwar mufti book on dropbox.




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AaliJaaH is a professional blogger, web designer and M.Cs Student at Balochistan Universty Quetta,Pakistan.
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